The work horses on the Buck Rogers in the 26th Century series.
- Erin Weinstock
Main work horse on the series.
- Mariet, or "Hawkfan" how she is known in the series forum.
The proof checker to what the main work horse does.
Check out Mariet's website at
- It's the Unofficial Thom Christopher/Hawk Fansite.
- Former Novelist
Reba who's known as "Ladyfreebird" in the forum
- Former Proof checker to Ladyfreebird
Teresa who's known as "redgreyfalcon" in the forum
- Music for opening credits provided by Daniel or "trekscaper" how he's known in the forum.
This is his website at
- It's sci fi music videos and listings for sci fi shows coming on TV.
- New videos can be found on his YouTube site
- Former Moderator
MJ who's know as "QL Damsel" in the forum
This is her website at
- It's the Virtual Seasons of. Quantum Leap.
And her other site at
- It's a spin-off of. Quantum Leap intended for mature audiences.
- Provider of. the scripts to Buck Rogers in the 25th Century: Meridian and Buck Rogers in the 25th Century: The Silent City of the Dead.
Jimma Shearer who's known as "Ramoth" in the forum.
These are her websites.
- Tupperware products for
- And SimplyFun family fun products online shop.
She's also the Admin. to the Valley of Eagles, a Thom Christopher fan group. The link to which can be found on the Extra Media page.
- Forum Admin. and maker of. the "Big Boy" banner
Mike who's known as "mwhill77" in the forum.
This is his website.
- Phoenix Virtual Television: the oldest running virtual series hub on the net.
- Former Moderator
Melody who's known as "mrkilroy" in the forum.
- Houten: ship parts, paint, glue and help provided by Commies Modeling.
Commies Modeling
- "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century: Planet of. Zoom" provided by Rom Hunter.
Visit the site he works for 'AtariMania' Atari roms and information,
- "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century "comic scrip scans" provided by D Falkinburg.
Also known as "Ddreamer4e" in the forum.
Visit her site for hand crafted collectibles
- "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century "novel" provided by Gary Skinner.
- "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century cart scans for Planet of. Zoom video game" provided by Albert.
Visit his site 'AtariAge' Atari roms and information,
- Moderator, Staff Writer and Novelist
Anthony who's known as "ohboy" in the forum.
- Buck Rogers in the 25th Century: That Man on Beta, provided by Michelle Corns.
- Proof checker to Ladyfreebird
Sue who's known as "bookscape" in the forum.
Visit her collection of fan fiction stories
- Grassroots Voter Outreach
From the main work horse...
When I first started thinking up this series. I was working for these people who need all the help they can get. If you care a great deal for the state of the environment. You can learn how to help these people in their work at
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