Episodes in the first season.
"Time and Again"
It's an old story set to a new beat. Captain William Buck Rogers volunteers into helping out on an Air Force. Project that while he was told would only be a two hour event. He finds out after over five hundred years in stasis why it didn't stay that way.
The Humdos and Candos, the Humdos have been breeding the Candos for ages. The Candos are a smart, intelligent species. That are tired of living as pets and servants. The Humdos know this and to continue to have their idea of a good work force they ...
"The Civilized"
Who are the civilized? The normal humans? The mutants? Or the Aliens?
"Perspectives and Explosives"
De-Pas is accused of planting explosives in the Defense Directorate. And with Dr.Theopolis unable to pin point where these explosives are. Most of the directorate's staff needs to find them before the clock runs out.
"Beneath the Skin"
The planet Sanopp; alien lizards every where. No wait they aren't the aliens on this planet. Buck and Wilma are the visitors, who only look like lizards.
"The Class of ,2518"
After graduating from being called trainees to full pilots for the Defense Directorate. Buck, Fox and Twiki go with their fellow class mates to Galileo City. Where instead of finding a good time. They find a couple of swindlers and a team of assassins with terrible plans for Twiki.
- "The Price of.a.Horse"
The Defense Directorate is in Alaska? Buck is back in the NAVY on board the U.S.S RockyShark and it's still the 26th century? And to top off this scene, Wilma is married to Buck? To One Million Mark Zero, this picture of reality is correct as long as they pay up for it.
- "The Ritz and the Wrongs"
After an attack made by an unknown eagle. The Defense Directorate is forced to defend it's self. Without even knowing it's doing it! This story is a can't miss because of. how much it sets up for things to come.
- "Fire"
On a dieing world, Buck and Taindair try to save the last of it's people. Only thing is almost all of these people don't want to be saved. Because to them Buck and Taindair are considered evil by their religion. And must not be listened to for fear of. losing faith in their makers.
- "Five Times Revenge"
This has just been one long bad day for Buck. He has fallen under the weather and the League of Assassins is out of jail and wants to kill him for the events that took place back in Galileo City. Can Buck can really handle the attacks that are being made from outwards and inwards on him?
- "Gods of. Lions"
After over five hundred years the Ranger 3 is ready to be launched since NASA last tried to launch it the first time back in the 21st century. And Ben Rogers wants to know from the aliens making it happen why his whole world has changed.
- "Studying the Sands"
Because Buck is upset about being so far removed from his own time. De-Pas and Ge-Ja get him into a trip to Miahgo, to help Ge-Ja discover who the Candos really are and not just what the Humdos tell them they are.
- "The Speed of. Light"
The Defense Directorate sets out to track down and arrest a criminal in
possession of a deadly substance. Easy task right? Wrong because aliens that can travel at the
speed of light have set foot on Earth and this fact makes the Defense Directorate's job not
- "The Wandering Planet"
Earth's sister has returned to the solar system after having been absent for well over a thousand years. And the Defense Directorate has been sent to it to determine if it's a threat among other things.
- "The Lava Lickers"
Wilma goes missing after making a discovery about Compart Defense that contradicts it's existence and it's up to Buck to get her back.
- "Luna-Terra"
The Defense Directorate has been given a mission that's of the utmost importance imaginable: Save the moon!
- "Continuity Error"
2490 straight to 2518 and 2518 to then .. being very messed up ... never break a time machine.
- "Changing Ink"
Not all laws are just on Zacaw and some of it's residents are fed up with it. Good thing two uninvited guests and the Defense Directorate are here to help it's people.
- "If Scorned"
Ardala is back and poor Buck must deal with her kindly in order to save Earth from her idea of
giving him presents of affection.
- "The Seeker of the Searcher"
Too much drinking is really proved a bad thing in this episode. Never doubt the existence of the unknown eagles or you'll regret it.
- "Back to the Skies"
Hawk must decide the fate of. the Seeker's Crew but he isn't the only one busy right now. So are the town's folk who aren't too wild about having Humans in their presents and most of the Seeker's crew who aren't too wild about the Tangata manu in their presents.
Episodes in the second season so far ...
- "The Might of. Mice"
Settling into his new home at the Defense Directorate isn't
as easy as Hawk would like it to be and Buck's class on teaching
Defense Directorate combat techniques is only making it harder.
- "Crossing Roads"
Some times a leopard can change it's spots but that won't stop Migel Loren from enlisting the aid of changed Charisse to steal a ship for the worse.
- "Monster Sized Mistake"
So much for De-Pas'es vacation. Warned he's not welcome where he is then having his wife kidnapped by what's believed to be a yeti ...bummer.
- "Divide & Conquer"
The Marata and the Oargon have come to Earth to share their new union and peace. But when the Defense Directorate believes their representatives have come the whole complex breaks out in alien chaos!
- "Again in Time"
Buck is convinced an alien planet he's on is doomed and some of. the locals agree with him, but are they right?
- "Easter Egg"
Hawk goes to where his people came from thousands of years ago, Easter Island. But Buck accompanying him only makes an ancient mechanized surprise for them on the island want to kill them more.
- "The Invasion of. Noyas"
After being told to investigate an explosion, Buck gets captured inside a living alien
environment. That will judge wither or not Buck will be alive past the day's end.
- "Red Skies"
Mysterious murders have been happening to the Martian Special Construction
Unit. Buck, Wilma and Fox are sent to investigate it but after an attempt is made on their lives they're no more close to finding
their mystery killer or killers?
- "Metamorphosis"
Much to Wilma's dismay, Black Barney joins into the investigation after learning of the betrayal of one of his oldest friends. But with Bart on the team, can they still solve the deepening mystery without Wilma unleashing her rage upon him first?
- "A Brighter Flame"
During the 2519 Olympic Games Summer Event after a harsh event a sad reality is learned about the games. One that Buck intents to correct by showing a friend's worth.
- "Feather Dusted"
The Tur-Fog Empire has invaded and taken over the Transportation Directorate ..Wait the Tur-Fog Empire? They're a threat?
- "The Island"
"Curiosity killed the cat", that's a phrase Buck hopes won't be applied to Dr. Goodfellow and
himself as they leave Earth to investigate an area of outer space known for eons as being a
galactic version of the Bermuda Triangle.
- "War Cry"
When Koori learns of Hawk being taken to Earth by Humans she fears the worse fate has fallen upon her mate and is ready to use the whole of. the Tangata manu Protective Military to avenge him.
- "A Judgment of. Hell"
When the micro-par stream disappears while a Defense Directorate shuttle carrying Buck, Hawk and Koori in mid-transit, they discover what looks to be Maihgo light years out of place from where it should be. But is this place really Maihgo, a planet that is being ravaged by pollution & filled with Humdos that look nothing like they should and only unbred Candoses?
- "By Any Other Name"
The more you know the better off you are. Bet Twiki wished he knew more about the Dirtwo before visiting their planet with Buck. That knowledge might have saved him from having to go through their people's religious pilgrimage that takes place at the end of their lives on this plane of existence.
- "Among Sheep and Wolves"
The Solar Powered Sunrise Resort: designed to be a relaxing place where one can kick back and enjoy life in a way it hasn't been enjoyed for centuries. Only fault: the staff want you dead.
- "Thunder"
Buck and Wilma are sent to a planet named Eelta to forcefully settle a conflict because the Garuth & the Onack. But they learn the hard way in dealing with the two alien species the conflict isn't what the Defense Directorate was told it was.
- "Fool's Paradise"
Buck and Hawk go to a colony setup on a planet named Croaton by request of the Outer-terrain Population Board. Croaton, a world never meant for Human settlement and where it is said people never die.
- "The Blackthorn Rose"
When Doctor Huer is forced out of his office after an attempt is made on his life. The Defense Directorate's best is sent after the group who made the attempt, the Blackthorn Rose. But can they succeed in this effort under changed leadership?
- "The Planet of Wonders"
Sent to investigate a case of quote un quote imagined theft. Buck and Wilma soon discover their case is much bigger than originally suspected after having been stolen them selfs.
- "Minus Negative: Part 1"
A planet has gone missing, the Jenka are under threat by aliens unknown to them and much more powerful than they are. And Buck seems to have been brought to a different dimension where his last two years in the 26th Century have been very different.
- "Minus Negative: Part 2"
After the thread to the Jenka & all the Breed of Light is revealed, Buck is forcefully taken off the scene and away from all the action. Back to the 21st century. But can even that stop him from saving their lives in the 26th century?
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