Buck Rogers in the 26th Century Episode 116x "Luna-Terra" Written by: Erin Weinstock I don't hold any of the copyrights in this story, and this story was made without profit. Teaser: int: Passenger Shuttle: Filling the screen in a tacky Las Vegas style letters we see Galileo City with a white background to it. After a short beat the white turns in to high over Galileo City. The words fade off the screen and with a bird's eye view still in use the camera starts falling into the city. But shortly into this... - A montage starts up - First an impressive looking building. Then a museum with a fancy looking outside. The park used in Episode Six. Another impressive looking building. A crowded festival. The outside to the outlet used in Episode Six. -=- The montage of shots like these continues as the camera starts pulling back revealing this is a hologram, taking place in an object like Wilma's paperweight back in Episode Seven. Only this one is a ball in shape. The camera still pulling back some more reveals a little girl is holding this hologram ball. Pulling the camera back some more we see her mother is sitting beside her, and they're in a place that looks like it could be fitting to the inside of a commercial plane. The girl is smiling watching the holo-ball till... The montage of images fades out and the little girl frowns. She stares at it in annoyance for a beat before turning to her mom who's been looking out the window. Little Girl: "Mommy?" The mom turns to the little girl. Mom: "What's wrong honey?" Little Girl: "My holovid-ball stopped." Mom: "You want to watch it again? Did daddy show you how to restart it." Little Girl: "No." The mom motions to the little girl. Mom: "Let me see your ball." Little Girl hands it to the mom. The mom takes on a playful, happy look and rapidly shakes it in both hands in a motion you'd normally think of with a snow globe. Not shaking it anymore the mom hands it to the little girl. Mom: "There you go." The holo-ball then begins to repeat the video it showed a short time ago. The Little girl takes the ball. Little Girl: "Thank you mommy." The Little girl stares at her ball smiling, Cont: "Went are we going to be here?" Mom: "What?" The Little girl points at the ball, Little Girl: "Gally-leo City?" Mom: "Shortly honey, very shortly." Cut to: ext: Galileo City, Shuttle Park: We see a passenger-shuttle like the type described back in Episode Thirteen getting ready to land as it begins getting closer to the ground. Note this is the same shuttle park we saw back in Episode Six. Cut camera to on the ship; its now firmly on the ground. After a beat: Its door opens up to let passengers go. Cut camera close up on to the door as the Little Girl begins to step out with her mom following close behind. The Little Girl blinks at the sight. Then Little Girl gives a couple of coughs. After a beat, Little Girl: "Mom, this air doesn't feel right," she says semi-hoarsely. Cut to: int: Holographic Training Simulator: Huer and every pilot but Buck and Wilma are here wearing their breathing masks and standing around a device that's the size of a refrigerator and has a very high-tech look to it. Huer: "Ladies, gentlemen, and those of neither. What we're doing here today is I'm going to refresh your memory about the importance of the device you see here before you and inform you of a mission all of you must take on that is of the highest importance imaginable." Cont: "After this planet was nearly destroyed over five hundred years ago, our ancestors, [ beat ] well of those here of Human ancestry, our ancestors set out to rebuild this world and restore its environment to its former glory, to even long before the war took place and pollution wasn't killing it." Huer points to the device. Cont: "Before being tested on Earth the proposed idea was that in case of unforeseen danger of its use it should be tested on the nearest celestial object to Earth, its moon. This action also needing further justification if an atmosphere could be established though this an atmospheric generator." Huer indicates the machine before them. End Teaser Pre-Credits: Beginning of Act One: int: Control Room: Buck is watching the group of pilots and Huer on a monitor. Note this place is where Major Dantin was back in episode one when in voice over he was talking to Buck in Act Two. In front of the monitor but before Buck is a small microphone. Cont: "Being the colonization of the satellite, today and here's where I get to the point of the meeting. The atmospheric generator that is literally the heart that keeps the moon alive with life has been stolen." Buck takes on a look of deep concentration. Cont: "The security video wasn't reviewed till after the crime took place. We know who did it; the only fault to that fact is we don't know who the contractor was." The atmospheric generator is replaced by an image of an Alarr. How Alarrs look is no hair, and five eyes worked across the face, the one in the center being the largest. A small mouth with a long chin under it, whips of flesh hanging from the sides and back of the head. Cont: "This Alarr named Courbaker is our thief. [ beat ] He's been taken into custody, but when questioned all we could get from him was he believes his contractor doesn't intend on taking the generator off planet, and what I mean by that when I say that is the Alarr home world Avapos One." Cut camera close on to Buck. Cont: "We need to find the generator before the moon's artificial atmosphere vanishes. This act the Scientific Research Directorate believes will fully occur by the end of the coming week. Now some people do not understand what it is to suffer unless they've done so themselves. [ beat ] I want you to know what the residents of the lunar colony will be feeling in a stronger sense soon if the generator is not found soon." Buck bolts for the door less than halfway through this line. Cont: "For no more than three seconds I want all of you to remove your masks. I have a medical team waiting close by in case any of you react harshly to the gases." Cut to: int: Holographic Training Simulator: This place is the same as we last saw it only now a medical team like the type that helped Buck back in Episode One is here. They're treating a few of the pilots for exposure to the gas. As this scene is starting Buck is running into camera view wearing a mask. Buck: "What the hell has gotten into you?!" Huer: "I should be asking you the same thing. You're not supposed to be here right now." Buck stops running now because he's right in front of Huer, then waves out at the room. Buck: "The stuff in here can make your lungs feel on fire! That was no way to make a point by asking them to suck it in! And why wasn't I invited in to help on this mission! You need every able fighter you have!" Huer: "How did you even find out about this meeting, Buck?" Buck: "Wilma told me!" Huer: "[ beat ] I should have told her to keep quiet about this," Huer says to himself before saying to Buck, Cont: "Is she getting any better?" Buck: "She's still pretty frightened over what happened, [ beat ] can't say I blame her; if I had my memory erased I'd be pretty freaked out too." Huer: "She seems to talk to you better than even the Directorate psychologist about dealing with what happened at Compart Defense. In fact Buck [ beat ] it's because of what happened at Compart Defense why I don't want you on this mission." Buck: "[ beat ] Dr. Huer, what they did to Wilma and what they were doing to those animals, [ beat ] I had to -." Huer: "True, but you were told to keep your actions on that mission low-key, which is a fact you failed at miserably. [ beat ] You even took Twiki along!" Buck: "I didn't ask the robot to join me, he decided to come on his own!" Huer starts walking towards the airlock door and Buck follows him in turn. Huer: "Buck, I'm sorry but I can't have you doing any work for the Defense Directorate till I can clean up the political mess you helped make on your last mission." Now that the both of them are at the airlock door, Buck: "Sir?" Huer shakes his head "no". Cut to: int: Airlock: Buck is alone now and takes off his mask. Buck: "Like you telling me no has ever worked much." Cut to: int: Holding Cell: This cell is the type we saw De-Pas in back in Episode Two; Courbaker is in it now. Courbaker: "So you want to question me too huh?" Cut to: ext: Holding Cell: Buck: "That and an amount of brief freedom." Courbaker: "I've heard that before." Courbaker lowers his head. Cont: "But I'm sorry, I don't know any more than what I've told you guys already." Buck: "You tell me everything you've already told I bet more than one interrogator. Plus help me in catching your contractor." Courbaker: "But I don't know who they are!" Buck: "But you know how to get in contact with them." Courbaker: "THEY CONTACT ME!" Buck: "And if you were back on Avapos One do you think they'd contact you again?" Courbaker pauses considering what Buck is proposing. Courbaker: "They - they might." Another beat, cont: "[ beat ] Why don't you know what I've told the Directorate already?" Buck: "That's none of your business. Will you help?" Courbaker: "Will I have complete freedom after this is over?" Buck: "No." Another beat as Courbaker looks to be considering his options. Courbaker: "But I'll be free while I'm helping you, right?" Buck: "In a sense." Courbaker: "I'll see what I can do." Cut to: int: Buck's Living room: Buck: "Theo, have you ever contemplated which came first, "the chicken or the egg"?" Theopolis: "No, I haven't because in 2212 scientists discovered -." Buck: "Never mind [ beat ] um, have you ever wondered if a tree fell in the woods and no one was there to hear it fall, did it make a sound?" Theopolis: "Of course it would still make a sound. Captain Rogers, do you have some point to feeding me these pointless questions?" Buck: "[ beat ] I do. Theo, those are just a couple questions people couldn't answer back in my day. But now here in the 26th century they now have well-known answers. I was wondering do such mind-boggling questions still exist in this day and age?" Theopolis: "Human and alien alike never seem to cease in feeding me questions, Captain. So I would have to say yes that questions still exist in this day and age." Buck: "No, that isn't what I meant. What I meant was do such brain teasers like the chicken and the egg, the tree in the woods still exist?" Theopolis: "I understand now what you meant, but I don't believe that there are any such brain teasers left in the world." Buck: "Then what about the universe, hmm? What about in the universe AND the answer to the brain teaser?" Theopolis: "Will this knowledge serve some purpose, Rogers?" Buck: "To give people a new curiosity to think about. Theo, if you, an A.I. computer, can make humanity's next great brain teaser, I swear to you you'll make history." Looking now inquisitively at the computer and speaking with a good show of authority. Cont: "Do you accept this challenge?" Theopolis: "If this task pleases you, Captain? I accept." Walking towards the door out of his living quarters, Buck: "Thanks." Cut to: int: Holding Cell: Courbaker is sleeping on a small bed when suddenly we hear a crackling snap. Courbaker wakes up blinking at that he has just been startled. Then Courbaker eyes widen and he smiles, then sits up on the bed. Courbaker: "No guards?" Cut to: ext: Holding Cell: Buck draws his blaster. Buck: "Only me, come on." Courbaker walks out of his cell that Buck has deactivated its force field at the beginning of the last scene, then turns his head to look both ways in the hallway. Courbaker: "What about the computer?" Buck: "Contemplating philosophical mysteries of the universe." Cut to: ext: Space: What we're looking at is Avapos One for a beat before... Cut to: ext: Ticwor: What we see is a cityscape that's very complex, busy and stuffed to the gills with shuttles of every kind flying everywhere. As this scene starts a Defense Directorate shuttle flies down into the camera's view. Cut to: int: Shuttle: The camera is close on Fox who doesn't look to be enjoying himself. Suddenly the scene is jolted by what would be the camera moving and Fox takes on a queasy look. End of Act One: Beginning of Act Two: int: Shuttle: This scene picks up where Act One left off. The camera jerks again and Fox rolls his eyes. Pull camera back to a full view of the front interior of the shuttle. Flash is at the controls and Fox is in the passenger seat. Flash: "What's the matter Fox, not used to grav-bolts?" Talking weakly, Fox: "I've never been here before or any planet that uses the blasted things in their cities." The camera jerks again and Fox puts a hand over his face and opens his mouth. Flash: "You'll get used to it, I did." Fox: "Earth doesn't use [ beat ], where did you get used to them?" Flash: "I spent half my childhood here. This planet needs them [ beat ] especially in the cities. You know the Alarrs: they're quite a people to make deals with anyone. [ beat ] Strangest neutral planet in the galaxy." The camera jerks again, Fox: "Land it." Flash: "What?" Fox takes his hand off his face, Fox: "Land the shuttle [ beat ] there's something I want to do, I shouldn't do in here." Flash: "Easy Fox, we're nearly there." Cut to: ext: Ticwor: The camera is behind the shuttle as it moves through the sky traffic. As the ship moves once in a while we see it do jerks in multiple directions; this happens as other ships get close to it. What the shuttle is headed towards is a very strange looking skyscraper that has a half-finished look of countless docks sticking out for ships of every make: the docks with ships sitting on them from nearly every angle. The shape is also twisted: not moving straight up into the air, but more looking like a tree that didn't know how to grow right. Note the camera is moving with the shuttle. The shuttle takes another jolt due to a ship moving past its left side. The shuttle is nearly at the strange building when another ship moves past its right side fast and the shuttle does a football spin left. The shuttle rights itself from the spin and looking forced, flips over. Then it settles upside down at a dock. Cut to: ext: Strange Building: As this scene starts Flash is exiting the shuttle as the Phasoft rear of it disappears. Fox follows Flash out only at a much slower pace holding on to its inward curved wall as he moves. Flash looks to Fox, as Fox stares out from the strange building at the cityscape before them. Flash: "We need to get to the trading center to check the records. Think you can recover fast?" Fox looks to Flash annoyed and the Phasoft-door on the shuttle closes up. Fox: "I DO understand the urgency in finishing this mission fast." Cut camera back so we get a good view of them standing at the dock upside down along with the shuttle in the same stance. Cont: "But some of us weren't born [ beat ], weren't born with an iron stomach!" Flash: "With or without an iron stomach we're all on this mission." Flash starts heading towards off camera into the building. This in turn makes Fox start to do the same. Fox: "Not all of us." Flash: "Depending on how long this takes Colonel Deering might be joining us. As for Buck [ beat ] he shouldn't even be with us period." Fox: "I'm sure Doctor Huer had a good reason to keep him out of this. Whatever he did I'm sure it isn't as bad as what we've heard." Flash: "Rogers isn't like us, Fox. The man will go out to a wrong length to get a task done." Flash moves off camera as that last line is said. Fox stops in his movement and looks out towards the city again. Fox speaking softly: "Not the wrong length but I'm sure he can be counted on for a task getting done." Fox turns back towards the building and continues his walk to off camera. Pan camera through the city to the rooftop of a skyscraper that's about medium sized: sitting on its roof is a Z-87. Hold on this rooftop for a beat before... Swoop camera down the building to a thin vertical window. In this window we catch sight of Buck and Courbaker inside the building. Cut to: int: Apartment: Courbaker: "They're not just going to come to my door and ask to come in! I never even saw them, I don't even have a clue as to what species they are!" Buck: "Give them a ring." Courbaker stares at Buck oddly for a beat. Cont: "What?" Courbaker: "How on Avapos One will trying to give them an "O" shaped object help this?" Frustrated, Buck puts a hand on his head. Buck: "Give them a phone - [ beat ], send a transmission to them." Courbaker: "I don't know their transmission code." Buck begins to pace. Buck: "How did your first encounter go with them?" Courbaker: "They destroyed my computer." Buck folding his arms: "Well that's a good way to start a contact deal." Courbaker: "The form of language they used to communicate with me forced my computer to erase its hard drive down to its bare bolts. [ beat ] It took a while for me to figure out how to communicate back with them -. They communicate in a language that looks something like old Earth computer hexadecimal." Buck: "NOT telling why you are telling them this, could you send a message to them now saying you're back on Avapos One?" Courbaker glares at Buck. Cont: "There should be nothing wrong in fulfilling that request unless you want to find yourself back in a Defense Directorate holding cell faster than I told you, you'd be back." After another beat as Courbaker continues to glare at Buck. Courbaker: "The Defense Directorate confiscated my computer when they arrested me." Buck takes on some look of shock at hearing this and, Buck: "In your talks with your contractor, did you ever get any idea from them where they might be?" Courbaker: "Due to the speed at which they were able to communicate with me [ beat ] I believe they're still somewhere on Avapos One. No ships have left this planet since the Defense Directorate still hasn't found its atmospheric generator." Buck gets angry after hearing that last line being said and grabs one of Courbaker's arms and starts to give him an Indian burn. Buck: "This investigation will not be hauled by your current lack of information. You're a VERY CRAFTY fellow, you do have some idea where the generator could have been taken to, it's too large to just shove into some nook in the wall!" Courbaker: "Stop! STOP! What are you doing to my arm!?" Buck: "It's called an Indian burn, now tell me where could they have taken it?" Whispering, Courbaker: "I don't know." Cut to: ext: Junkyard: Picture a junkyard as an alien version of what we typically see as a junkyard: old wrecked dirty looking space ships in piles along with strangely built devices and machines littering nearly every inch of the place. Janet and Taindair are here: Janet holding a device that in its center we see on a very tiny scale compared to the last time we saw this, what looks like a glass ball with a Therbidian crystal firing off its energy into a pair of grips containing the ball with buttons on them. Note the energy we see being fired off isn't moving out past the ball. Taindair is finishing putting small devices all around a wrecked up looking small ship. Taindair: "This won't harm us?" Janet not looking up from the device she's holding which has just had a light blink into life, this light being the last in a series of lights shown lit, Janet: "You're done, it has a lock now. Step away Taindair." Taindair: "First you answer me whether it's dangerous to use this or not? It's based off of Bercy technology!" Janet looks like she's not sure how to answer. Janet: "[ beat ] I - I've been assured it's safe. [ beat ] Better step - far away." Taindair looks at Janet then backs a few feet away from the ship. Taindair then takes on a look that he's not happy with where he is and walks further away from the ship. Janet: "The Directorate wouldn't have approved this if it was truly dangerous." Taindair gets behind a pile of wrecked machines. Taindair: "You take your chances." Cut to: int: Service Tunnel: A bright light fills the screen. Cut camera back so we can see the scene better to find this place looks like a very clean sewer. Only unlike a normal sewer its flowing water is being contained under a thick sheet of glass and along its walls and heading up into the ceiling we see all sizes of pipes and cables running about. Fox and Flash are here; Fox has his small flashlight close to a thick bundle of small wires, trying to put up with Flash who is still holding his flashlight close to Fox's face. Flash trying to stereotype a doctor's voice: "So are you feeling any better now, Hieronymous?" Fox: "Knock it off Flash, I need to find the wire that leads to Courbaker's apartment." Flash takes his flashlight out of Fox's face, looks at the bundle of wires he's working with and trails his flashlight's beam down the bundle to the floor that he then crouches down to. Flash: "A needle in a hay stack." Flash starts picking through the small wires. Fox returns to his work now doing the same as Flash but standing. Fox: "What I don't understand is all the secrecy around this. There's so much we don't know, [ beat ] why would anyone want one? There aren't many planets in the known universe that don't already have atmospheres or atmospheric generators or something like one!" Flash: "There are just some people in this galaxy that are really messed up. [ beat ] It's why we joined the Directorate Fox, to help keep the peace." As Flash is saying this Fox continues his work till something out the side of his eye, off camera, catches his attention and he stops working. Fox: "Stay here Flash, I think I just found something important." Fox starts walking towards where he was looking. End of Act Two: Beginning of Act Three: int: Service Tunnel: This scene starts where Act Two left off. Flash: "Scrap that, Fox. What we're doing here is important, we're working together on this!" Fox: "Flash, this won't take -!" Flash: "On this mission -!" Fox: "HERE!" Fox points to the ground where Flash is squatting. Flash gives Fox a sarcastic mean look and Fox walks away. Flash softly to himself: "Don't blame me if you're alone when something kills you." Cut to: int: Service Tunnel at corner: Fox has just come to a place in the tunnel where it has a sharp corner that indents this passageway greatly. Without even looking around the corner and speaking softly, Fox: "Buck, how long have you been down here, and second, what are you doing down here?" Buck now pokes his head out from around the corner. Buck: "I just got down here a moment ago and I'm pretty sure what I came down here for is for the same reason you and Flash are currently engaged in." Fox: "You were never briefed on the mission, how is it you knew to come here?" Flash is walking up behind Fox. Buck notices this and gives a pained look as he says this next line. Buck: "I - I was in the control room when Doctor Huer was briefing everyone on the mission and [ beat ] Courbaker has been helping me." Flash is now standing right behind Fox. Fox: "Buck, I know you, WHERE IS COURBAKER NOW?" Buck looks embarrassed, Buck: "Fox -." Flash: "I'm amazed you haven't been thrown out of the Directorate, Buck! How could you?!" Fox turns around quickly to Flash. Buck: "He's been somewhat of a good help in this investigation!" As this next line is said Buck is stepping towards Flash and Fox. Cont: "It's because of the information I've been able to get from him that led me down here to pursue -." A very noticeable swooshing sound is heard as Buck makes his step. Closing his eyes and speaking calmly, Cont: "No one tell me what that was." Fox looks down towards Buck's feet. Fox: "[ beat ] It looks like some kind of thick cyber-organic wire. Buck, I think you've just found what we've been looking for." Buck opens his eyes and looks down. Cut camera to Buck's POV and we see among a thick spread of normal-looking wires a fat one that should remind us of the version of Dr. Theopolis that needs Twiki to move in this series: a nearly transparent gel with wires inside along with one thick one which has the ever-famous in Glen Larson sci fis: the moving lights. Cut camera back to off Buck's POV so we can see the full scene. Buck: "Bet your guess is right, only thing now is finding out who - what put it down here?" Fox: "That's what Flash and I were sent down here about. Locate the outside connection into Courbaker's computer commutation line and follow it to its source." Buck: "Or just ask Courbaker if he's ever seen anything like it before." Cut to: int: Courbaker's Apartment: Courbaker is sitting on a couch looking at a window when he turns his head to some clicking and mechanical noises coming from off camera. Cut camera on to a Phasoft-door: this is the source of the noises. Cut camera back on to Courbaker for a beat just long enough for us to see him take on an angry look, before panning the camera back over to the door to see Buck quickly enter, followed by Fox and Flash moving a bit slower holding a chuck of the cyber-organic wire that is no longer lit. Flash doesn't look too happy to be holding it as it is also dripping out goo. Courbaker: "You didn't have to lock me up!" Buck: "Don't argue." Flash presents the cyber-organic wire to Courbaker. Cont: "Have you ever seen anything like this before?" Courbaker stares at it for a beat still looking angry before saying: "Yes, I have." Fox: "Could you tell us some about the beings who use technology such as this?" Courbaker: "As soon as you get it to stop dripping on my rug." Courbaker says this line looking at Flash. Buck: "Where's your kitchen?" Courbaker: "At the end of the hall." Courbaker points to his right and forward to the start of a hallway near the apartment's entrance. Flash rolls up his eyes, mouths "thank god," and goes for the kitchen. Buck: "Who are they?" Courbaker: "They have no name." Buck takes on an angry look and balls up a fist into being white-knuckled. Courbaker noticing Buck's mood, Cont: "No one knows what the name for them is, I'm not making this up." Showing his anger in his voice, Buck: "We NEED a bit more info than that, that thing is what was tapping into your computer's communication line." Courbaker looks at Buck and Fox with a look of, "you really need this don't you, you SOBs," then pauses with a sudden look of wonder. Fox: "You're going to cooperate better now?" The look of wonder Courbaker has been giving now starts to change into a fearing look. Cont: "The Defense Directorate might execute you for your crime if it isn't located." Looking more fearful, Courbaker: "I deserve to be executed." Courbaker begins to weep. Buck: "Who are they?" Courbaker: "I -I've doomed the planet." Buck: "Explain." Courbaker: "They've been living on this planet for the past 79 years. They made a deal and got a good 50 square miles to live on. [ beat ] I don't know what they're called; nobody knows what they're called. They keep to themselves, [beat ] they're not like us; they don't breathe air." Fox: "But they couldn't survive here at all in that case." Courbaker: "They wear artificial environment suits outside their enclosure." Courbaker hangs his head. Cont: "I've doomed the planet." Buck talking to Fox softly: "Outside generating the gases needed to create an atmosphere we can breathe, can an atmospheric generator create the gases needed to create a different kind of atmosphere?" Without even nodding his head to Buck, Fox gives him a look that says "yes". Buck to Courbaker: "If you tell us where their enclosure is and your planet will be saved." Courbaker looks up at Buck and stops crying. Cut to: ext: Sky: The only thing we see in this scene is a Defense Directorate shuttle. V.O. Fox: "Weird." V.O. Buck: "[ beat ] I don't see any areas on it that look like anything could leave it." V.O. Flash: "Buck, the fact this picture was taken from 20 miles above it could be the reason behind that." Cut to: int: Shuttle: Flash, Fox and Buck are gathered around the screen at the shuttle's dashboard that would normally show a radar picture of the area around the ship. Only now it shows a large object that looks like a shiny anthill, with no hole at the top, colored by shades of pink and purple. What's beyond this object are small mountains that have thin tall trees growing on them. V.O. Buck: "I wonder how we could get inside that thing, [ beat ] or for that matter get the generator out?" Cut camera back so we can see this scene in full. Flash: "I can answer getting in -." Flash turns to Fox, cont: "Have you heard how it tested because I haven't heard anything?" Fox: "I heard Taindair and Janet were going to jump on it but nothing else." Buck: "What are you two talking about?!" Fox to Buck: "Remember when the Bercy visited?" Buck: "Something which I'm sure the whole of New Chicago and myself haven't had slip far from out of mind since -." Fox: "They gave us the specs on some of their technology to say they're sorry." Buck: "Their technology is dangerous to us." Fox: "Thomas and Mallory have made technology "based" off their's -. It shouldn't create any omega radiation." Buck stares at Fox for a beat before turning his gaze to the screen. Buck: "Exactly what is it T and M have made from Bercy technology that can help us?" Flash: "Some kind of jump matter mover." Buck looking to Flash: "Come again?" Flash: "It can -." Flash quickly takes on a look that says he's not sure what to say. Flash then backs away from the dash a few feet. Then looks to Buck, Flash: "OK you see where I am right now, well with this technology if it works right, Boom." Flash does a small jump forward. Flash: "Boom, in a heartbeat instantly you're in another place, no moving by you required." Buck: "[ beat ] This matter shifting technology, do either of you know where Taindair and Janet are so we can -?" Fox: "More than one prototype was made. Each team on this mission got one." A beat as Buck thinks, Buck: "Are there any gas masks on board?" Flash: "Yes." Buck: "Then we're ready to rock." Cut to: int: Enclosure: What we're looking at right now is a small part of the enclosure's wall which is colored in shades of pink with once in a while purple; the wall isn't transparent but light is coming through it and as the result of that we see Buck's, Flash's and Fox's silhouettes through it. V.O. Buck: "It's Phasoft?" V.O. Flash: "Something like that, that's the rumor." Buck starts moving into the scene into the enclosure slowly. As he moves in Fox and Flash follow him. Note they're all wearing the type of gas mask we've seen used in past episodes. As soon as they're fully in, Buck first on this look, they get stunned by the sight before them that's off camera. Cut camera to being in front of them. The rest of the enclosure, at least what we can see of it here has a massive look to it, with many entranceways to corridors covering the walls and ceiling. But that isn't what has caught their attention. What has caught their attention is an alien standing before them. It looks to be nine or ten feet tall. A skinny ridged body with arms set far apart from each other, back hunched over with a two-foot neck that comes out to a thin head with a tiny mouth and two large eyes that look like they have a bad case of cataracts. The forearms look like they have an exoskeleton that's too big for them and what acts like its fingers are three worm-looking whips that look to be two to three feet in length each. This worm-look also goes for the lower halves of its legs, which it has four of; all this thing is doing is looking straight out at the camera. End of Act Three: Beginning of Act Four: int: Enclosure: This act picks up right where Act Three left off: with the alien looking straight out at the camera. Cut camera back so we can see the scene better. The behavior of the sentinel-looking beast has Buck, Fox and Flash looking at it in wonder. After a beat they start moving around it. Fox: "Do you think it knows we're here?" Buck: "You've never seen one of these things before, Flash?" Flash: "If I ever saw one of these things before it's something I don't remember." Buck gives Flash a look, Cont: "I was a kid when I lived on this planet. I left it when I was ten." Fox starts to pick up one of its worm-like fingers. In a snap the alien starts moving as it turns to Fox and whips the finger out of Fox's hand, then raises its untouched other arm quickly into a striking pose. Fox moves backwards from it just as fast as it moved the arm now in the air. Fox: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Just as the alien starts bring down its arm to hit Fox, Buck smashes down a foot on one of the alien's feet. The alien now whips around to face Buck and at that same moment wraps the former striking arm's fingers around Buck, pinning his arms to his sides. The alien then raises Buck into the air. Buck makes a noise at this; reason being the worm-like fingers are hugging him tighter than when they first took hold of him. Flash fires his blaster, which after only half a beat the beam puffs out into countless shards of its own light. The alien notices what Flash has done, drops Buck out of its fingers and leans forward to look at the beaded light hanging in the air from the blast. Flash takes on a look of shock as the alien just stands and stares at the blast hanging in the air. Buck holding himself: "Oooowww." Fox in just as much shock as Flash: "Why is it doing that?" Flash: "The alien or the shot from my blaster?" Fox: "Both." Flash: "I have no clue as to either." Buck sounding a little pained: "The alien I'm with Flash on, but the shot from the blaster [ beat ] I have a bet on." Flash: "And what would that be?" Buck: "Our blasters, I have a bet they were never tested to work in an atmosphere like this. Could just be how the energy from the blaster reacts to the gases here." Some off camera movement can be heard; the team looks in normal directions until Buck looking up, Buck: "Wow." Now Fox and Flash turn their gaze upwards. Fox: "Moving kind of funny isn't it?" Cut camera to the ceiling to see another one of these aliens move along it into an entrance to a corridor. V.O. Buck: "Well wouldn't you if you had four legs and could move upside down?" A different but same type of alien comes out of the corridor we just saw the second alien enter. This one however in being compared to the other walking on the ceiling, this one is staggering around like it's drunk. Cut camera back to the team so we see them looking up. Flash gently points up. Flash: "OK despite having four legs and defying gravity, THAT looks off." Buck: "I wonder what's back there?" Buck and Fox continue looking up with Flash as Flash takes on a smile. Fox notices this first about Flash, then Buck. Flash then looks to them puzzled but still smiling. Fox: "Flash?" Flash: "I wonder if jump-belts are still around?" Buck: "What are -?" Cut to: ext: Enclosure: The team is by the shuttle and Flash is setting three boxes that are identical in appearance on the ground. The boxes have a picture on them that looks like it could come straight from a piece of Golden Age sci fi pulp art, showing Humans and aliens with jet-rockets controlled by handlebars for grip strapped to their backs and flying over the land. Also printed on this box's lid is the label: "Jump-belt! Fun for all ages!" This appears in a faded red and yellow, in bold text. Fox: "Flash, you know I have a love for history but these things are truly vintage, retro, I don't think they'll work! In fact I think they stopped being sold because -!" Flash: "Because a few morons didn't read the instructions right. Thank goodness for flea markets." Buck: "If these jump-belts do what I think they do, this might be a very bad idea." Fox: "How old were you when you last wanted one of these?" Cut to: int: Enclosure: The team is where they were last time they were here. Gas masks on, jump-belts also. Buck, hanging from a satchel on one side, will later have it revealed is holding the matter-jumper, this being what we saw Janet and Taindair with earlier. Buck: "For the mission, only for the mission could you talk me into this." Flash: "You shouldn't even be on this mission, remember?" Buck, while looking at Flash coldly: "You weren't there." Flash: "Disobeying orders and making a scene, don't tell me about what it takes to get the job done being something." Buck: "They were killing -!" Fox: "Press in the button on the left hand steering bar to initiate the jet, right?" Flash: "What?!" Fox: "The jump-belt, Flash, remember?" Flash: "Yeah, that should be it." Cut camera to POV ceiling corridor: one after the other the team fires up their jump-belts and heads up past the camera. Cut to: int: Chamber: The place looks like a massive cavern some of which heads off into darkness, with columns that reach up into the ceiling, in straight and improper angles. In the center of this cavern, raised from the rest of the floor which is extremely bumpy by half-formed bubbles linked into root-looking ridges that take origin with the center, is the atmosphere generator: coated over by a nearly transparent skin of what the enclosure is made out of. Now surrounding this whole scene are dozens of the type of alien that live here. All of these aliens are doing one of these four things. One: forcing themselves low to the ground with their mouths punched into one of the half-formed bubbles. Two: moving around in that drunk, awkward way we saw the one move like earlier. Three: leaving the cavern in this state. Or, four: coming into the cavern moving normally (so to speak) and then finding a bubble or root-ridge to stab their mouth into. Fox: "I don't see were the gas is coming out. I wonder what they could be up to with it set up like that?" Flash: "It looks to me like they're [ beat ] drinking up the atmosphere its making, if - if that's possible?" Fox: "Buck?" Buck: "I don't believe this." Flash: "Don't believe what?" Buck: "If they're [ beat ], if they're doing what I think they're doing." Buck looks to Fox and Flash. Cont: "I feel like right now I should be cracking an egg over a hot frying pan." Flash: "You've lost me." Buck: "They're sucking in the gases and acting all wacky after having done so. Guys they're getting stoned!" Cut camera to being more focused on the atmospheric generator, Cont: "They're using the atmospheric generator like a giant bog!" Cut camera back to the team, Fox: "That would explain why that one did that freak out on us earlier." Cut camera to beside the team as they touch down on to the floor to start moving towards the generator. As they move past the aliens, the aliens seem to take no notice of them. Flash: "Maybe Fox knows what you said but I don't. [ beat ] "What about cracking an egg over a hot frying pan"?" Buck: "Drugs: they'll fry your brain." Now that the team is at the generator, Buck grabs from the satchel one of the devices that we saw Taindair earlier put around the junked ship. Cont: "OK so I put these things all around the generator so the matter-jumper can lock on to it to transport it?" Fox: "That's my understanding." Buck looks at the device then sets it down in front of the generator, then walks a little around the generator, starts to reach into the satchel for another one of the devices and asks: "I'm missing something here aren't I?" Flash goes up to Buck and takes the matter-jumper out of the satchel. The matter-jumper is what we saw Janet with earlier. Flash, looking at the matter-jumper: "You need to surround it with six more of those keys before it can lock for jump." Buck grabs out another device or "key" from the satchel and places it on the ground before the generator. Cut camera on to being on Fox and Flash, as Flash looks down at the matter-jumper: "Four." Fox: "How do you think they'll react?" Flash: "Who? The aliens?" Fox: "Yes, when they no longer have a generator?" Flash: "Three. Properly like how the ones on the moon started reacting to the loss of atmosphere. Very slowly realize something is wrong." Fox: "Good because of [ beat ] think you might have noticed how well our blasters work in here. [ beat ] Think they'll try something like this again?" Cutting the camera to Buck who's returning into camera view from behind the generator, putting down another key. Buck: "Not with more than one planet after them knowing they're behind it as the contractor." Flash: "Two." Buck: "Flash?" Flash: "Not now Buck, I need to concentrate on this." Buck moves a little more around the generator into camera view and puts down another key, Buck: "Flash, where is the generator going?" Flash: "One. Buck, move away; from the generator!" Cut to: ext: Space: We see the moon orbiting the Earth, but unlike the last time we saw the moon back in Episode Six, its atmosphere now looks dim. Hold on this for a beat before... Cut to: ext: Galileo City: We see the city from above for a beat before... Cut to: int: Generator Room: The room is large with only one wall that surrounds the whole thing curved upwards. The place has an odd-looking air to it of looking high-tech but at the same time dated to its 26th century surroundings. At the center of the room sits the atmosphere generator, sitting on top of a number of busted cables and cut wires. As this scene starts five ambuquads like the type we last saw in the power generator room back in Episode Four come running into the room. Red Bot One: "Atmospheric generator in place, Luna atmosphere at 39.7." Red Bot Two is at the atmosphere generator now, Red Bot Two: "Solder for reconnection at best possible speed." Red Bot Two completely twisting its head backwards, Cont: "Units 42, 43, 44 and 48 are needed." Red Bot Two twists its head back into place. The other red bots come in fast to join Red Bot Two in soldering the cables and wires back into places on the atmosphere generator. Note how they are soldering is by a soldering tool inside their pointer fingers. How this comes out is the tip of the finger opens up to reveal this like a budding mum. But just as this moment begins to take place, all of them but Red Bot Two say at the same time: "Solder for best reconnection speed granted." Cut to: int: Apartment: Courbaker is by the door to his apartment trying to work with some wires he's pulled out of the door's locking and unlocking access panel. As this scene starts all we can truly see is his fingers working at the job at hand. Cut camera back so we can see this scene better. After a beat of this we hear the same noises coming from the door we last heard earlier just before Buck, Fox and Flash entered this place back in Act Three. Courbaker: "Yes!" Courbaker looks at the door smiling, but after a beat this smile dies due to Buck entering the apartment and giving a cold look to him. End Of Act Four. The End. Roll Credits.